#DreamTeam linky – 14th May 2023

May 15, 2023

Hello and welcome back to the #DreamTeam linky! A fab place to share your writing, read what others have been up to, and share a bit of blog love! Come join us…


How is everyone? It was lovely to catch up over the last two weeks. – Everyone has been so busy!

I’ve been tinkering about with the look of the blog. Just a few little bits and bobs… in between writing, writing and more writing. I’m working on a picture book idea at the moment that’s got away from me. Overwritten is an understatement.

‘I can’t believe it’s our house. I genuinely still feel that way’ – The Irish Times

It’s difficult to talk about the home created by Tracy Sheridan and Dave Moore without acknowledging the key role played by Zig and Zag in their story.

The furry aliens brought the couple together more than 20 years ago. Tracy, a former actor, was Velcro Girl on the puppets’ 2Phat show on RTÉ, and Dave was doing music for the show when their eyes met across a crowded studio. Now she’s an artist and illustrator, while Dave is one half of the Dermot & Dave radio show on Today FM, as well as a podcaster and music producer.

When they

#DreamTeam linky – 30th April 2023

April 30, 2023

Hello and welcome to the #DreamTeam linky! A fab place to share your writing, read what others have been up to, and share a bit of blog love! Come join us…


Runs in* it’s a bank holiday weekend for us in the UK. Yasss!!!!!

I am soooo happy to get the extra day off. We are seeing Grandparents, getting out in the fresh air, and I’m hoping to keep going with pen and paper as I’m on a writing roll at the moment. What are you up to?

Wrong place wrong time book

This week I’m linking up to the

How To Choose An HVAC System For Your Home

You might be surprised to know that some people don’t actually know what HVAC means. They don’t understand what HVAC systems they have in their homes, even though this is the heart of your home. So what should you be looking for when choosing an HVAC system if you’re in the market for a new one?


Mini-Split Bosch Heat Pump System Installed In Sunroom in Frank Cozzolino’s Home, in Holmes Family Rescue

Mini-Split Heat Pump System Installed In Sunroom in Frank Cozzolino’s Home, in Holmes Family Rescue


Here is my full guide on HVAC systems and how to choose the right system for your home.


What Does HVAC Stand For?

For starters, what does HVAC mean?

‘There’s no point in adding floor area for the sake of it’ – The Irish Times

Some people dream of massive home extensions. Not Ingrid Smyth. The garden designer would have preferred to have more room outside, but when he came to renovating the family home on Oscar Square in Dublin’s Liberties, he had to borrow space from the back garden. “Still, it was all worth it,” she says.

She bought the three-bedroom house with her husband, engineer Shane Torpey, in 2008 when their two sons were toddlers. “We didn’t do much with the house when we moved in because we didn’t have the money and it’s kind of pointless doing a fancy job on your

#DreamTeam linky – 26th March 2023

March 26, 2023

Hey bloggers! Welcome to the #DreamTeam linky! A fab place to share your writing, read what others have been up to, and share a bit of blog love! Come join us…


This week I’m linking up with some new and upcoming picture books from Owlet Press. Whoop whoop! I love supporting fellow authors by giving them a bit of a shout out on the blog when I can.

New picture books from Owlet Press

Thank you to everyone who is joining in with our little community. Please do REMEMBER to read the linky rules and make sure you add the

#DreamTeam linky – 12th March 2023

March 12, 2023

Hello and welcome to the #DreamTeam linky for bloggers- a fab place to share your writing, read what others have been up to, and share a bit of blog love! Come join us…


This week I’m linking up with a five fab things post. If anyone wants to give it a go, definitely do it. It’s fun, easy *most of the time, and a great way to look back at all the twinkly bits in your week.

Five fab things

Thank you to everyone who is joining in with our little community. Please do REMEMBER to read

#DreamTeam linky – 22nd January 2023

January 22, 2023

Hi everyone! You’ve dropped in on the #DreamTeam linky for bloggers- a fab place to share your writing, read what others have been up to, and share a bit of blog love! Come join us…


So yes, it was me. I was the banana that put the #DreamTeam linky up last week, but labeled it for a date in the future… the 25th January to be precise. #TheShame. I’ve updated it now, but can’t believe it took me until today to notice. Oops!!!

Important updates! We are going to trial the linky running over a

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